Have you ever noticed that some people have a crazy amount of unique skills in software, marketing, or business strategy headlining their resume and wondered how they accumulated such vast knowledge? Would you love to learn more but dread the idea of actually partaking in a post graduate program?

I’ve discovered that there are a lot of easy ways to boost your knowledge and education without spending much money at all. Websites such as http://www.lynda.com make it easy to learn new software and business skills through easy video tutorials. For a very small and manageable fee, you too can have new skills headlining your resume.

I was working with a client yesterday who was interested in a position requiring the use/knowledge of QuickBooks. This was one of the only requirements he didn’t fulfill. When discussing this with him, I googled “QuickBooks Tutorials” and Lynda.com’s easy tutorials came up. It occurred to me that he could potentially subscribe for their services and learn how to use this software so he could put it on his resume when applying for the job.

Some software will take longer to learn than others, but this is an incredible way to customize your skillset to specific job requirements, enhance your overall knowledge, and give your resume a simple boost. I’ve come to realize how much we take for granted, forgetting the power that lies at our fingertips. Do you want to learn something new? Might as well go out and do it!

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