How to Cultivate a Wardrobe that You’re Proud Of

I’ve talked about the fact that your style should be iconic and what that means, so today I wanted to talk about how to cultivate a wardrobe that you’re proud of. There’s nothing worse than looking in your closet and finding nothing to wear, so figuring out how to cultivate a wardrobe that you’re proud of is very important.

Everyone goes through phases and periods of time where one style might be favored over another, but the general goal of your wardrobe should be having a mix of collaborative pieces that you can wear together and change up based on your mood. (If you’re wondering, the best way to change up an outfit is to use accessories.) Similarly, you should have a good mix of clothing that can be dressed up or down based on the event.

When you’re thinking about your style, answer the following questions:

  • What kind of clothing do you love/what are you drawn to?
  • Is there a shape or style that works best on your body?
  • What do you want people to see/think when they look at you?
  • What does your daily life/routine look like?

Each of these questions will help you learn something to help you figure out how to cultivate a wardrobe you’re proud of.

First, you want to figure out what you like so that your wardrobe reflects you and your personality. If you don’t like a certain color or style, why would you wear it? Think of your clothing as an extension of you and your soul. You want people to see you and who you are.

Next, you want to figure out what works best for your body. Not everything works on everyone, and that’s okay. If you are struggling with this, go to your local department store and ask for some help. The salespeople will be able to show you how to highlight and minimize different aspects to make you look and feel your best.

Decide what image you want to give off. Do you want to look effortlessly chic? Do you want to look a little boho-esque? Do you want people to immediately see that you’re a professional? In order to create a wardrobe that you’re proud of, you need to figure out how you want to present yourself.

And last, you want to make sure that your wardrobe is functional. Maybe you want to portray yourself as polished and chic, and love the look of heels with a crisp shirt and blazer, but if your day and/or work has you running around, perhaps heels aren’t the best option to stock your closet with. You want to make sure that your clothing is functional and gives off the right image. Think about what you’re going to be comfortable in, because if you don’t feel good in what you’re wearing, you probably won’t wear it much.

Now comes the fun part, shop! You don’t have to go on a big shopping spree, but once you know what you’re looking for, keep an eye out and collect pieces here and there. A great wardrobe isn’t usually created in a day, but developed over time. You’ll be able to look back at different items of clothing and remember the time you bought them, who you were with, and be transported to a different time in your life.

Figuring out how to cultivate a wardrobe that you’re proud of can be a bit difficult at first, but once you decide what will make you happy, you just have to jump in and get started!

NOTE** Link to buy dress pictured here

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