Write Styles


Mix Things Up With Leather at the Office

Yes, you heard me correctly, and it is possible to wear leather at work. I think one of the most common misconceptions about office attire is that you are very limited to what you can wear appropriately. People seem to think that the classic suit, blazer, slacks, pencil skirt, and blouses/button downs are the only […] Read more…

The Secret to Wearing an Oversized Blazer

The Secret to Wearing an Oversized Blazer

Usually I’m all about a great fitted jacket, but sometimes, I love wearing an oversized blazer to mix things up. The secret to wearing an oversized blazer is all about what you pair it with. My rule of thumb is to pick one oversized or flowy piece per outfit. In this case I chose the […] Read more…

The Story Behind Keeping Extra Shoes in Your Car

Okay, so I thought you’d all appreciate this little nugget of truth about what really happens in my daily life. Today, I was running around the house this morning like a crazy woman as usual, making coffee, packing lunch, walking and feeding the dog, etc. I was actually pretty proud of myself because I finished […] Read more…