Okay, so I thought you’d all appreciate this little nugget of truth about what really happens in my daily life. Today, I was running around the house this morning like a crazy woman as usual, making coffee, packing lunch, walking and feeding the dog, etc. I was actually pretty proud of myself because I finished it all with five minutes to spare before leaving the house until I started driving and eventually pulled up to the office. Low and behold, I WAS STILL WEARING MY FLIP FLOPS! I guess I forgot to take them off after walking Oliver, and didn’t even think twice about it when walking out of the house.

Here are my flip flops in all their glory:

I was totally mortified. I knew that I could hide my feet behind my desk, but what if a client came in and saw me like this? I preach about office appropriateness and dressing for the occasion! Of all people to forget to put on real shoes, it was me. I searched my car to find some sort of shoe replacement, and with no such luck, I grudgingly walked into the office.

Being so focused on the fact that I was wearing flip flops, I could barely even get work done, so I ended up racing home to get my beloved black pumps. Thankfully I only live about 10 minutes away, but all I could think about was that if it had been a day when I needed to commute, I would have been in big trouble.

So now my friends, I give you a solid, very important piece of advice: ALWAYS KEEP A PAIR OF NEUTRAL, WORK APPROPRIATE SHOES IN YOUR CAR. ALWAYS.

This goes for both women and men. For women, it doesn’t really matter if it’s a pair of flats or heels, (I prefer heels because I’m only 5 feet tall) but having that backup pair of shoes ensures that even on days when you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off, you’re still prepared to look polished and put together.

Much better!

3 Comments on The Story Behind Keeping Extra Shoes in Your Car

  1. True ! As I take the subway, no shoes in the car but … Half a dozen in a closet, in my office … Sh… Happens more often than you wish (hell broken, rainy day that ruins your shoes, changing weather from hot to cold or so ever …). So I do approve …

    • Absolutely, you have to do what works for you! I don’t have a place to store them at my office, so they live in my car, but they key is having extra shoes accessible!

  2. I work in retail and I keep an extra pair of shoes in my locker. A few times my shoes got soaked from the rain or cleaning something, so the spare shoes saved the day.

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