Try This to Simplify and Declutter Your Work Wardrobe

Want to simplify and declutter your work wardrobe? The beginning of the year always inspires me to declutter. Something about taking down holiday decorations and cleaning the house inspires me to declutter every part of my life. It’s easy to accumulate clothing that doesn’t match your work wardrobe needs, but there are a few tips that will help you simplify and declutter your work wardrobe so getting ready becomes much easier.

Take inventory of what’s actually in your closet

Going through your closet can be a pain, so kill two birds with one stone. Use it as an opportunity to take inventory of what you have, and try everything on to see what fits. If clothing doesn’t fit you right, get it out of your closet. All it will do is sit there and take up space. It’s important to dress your body properly to flatter your figure, and getting rid of ill-fitted clothing is an easy way to simplify and declutter your work wardrobe.

By getting rid of clothing that doesn’t work for you, you’ll be left with an easy to manage work wardrobe. This will allow you to quickly figure out what to wear. If you’re only choosing from properly fitted clothing that you like, getting dressed in the morning will become much easier.

Place the clothes you want to get rid of in a donation pile, or if you really want to keep them, place them in a vacuum storage bag to save on space.

Make sure all of your clothing is hung on the same kind of hangers

Over the years most of us accumulate a variety of different hangars which can make a closet feel very cluttered. Hangers of different sizes and widths make it hard to hang garments so that they lay flat amongst each other. This is my favorite kind of hanger. You can buy them in bulk and save a ton of space. You’ll be surprised how much space you can save by re-hanging all of your clothing on these hangers. They are thin, and the velvet grips well so clothing doesn’t slip off of them.

Change the direction of your hangers

This is a trick that has been around for a while, but it seems to be underutilized. Instead of hanging your clothing so the open part of the hook faces away from you, hang all of your clothing so the open part of the hook faces towards you. After you’ve worn an item once, switch the hangar back to the normal direction. This will let you visualize and clearly see what clothing you wear and what clothing you don’t.

Do this for couple of months. After a couple of months, if you notice that there are items that you haven’t worn at all, (weather permitting) those are items that you can likely get rid of. If you haven’t worn something in months, you probably won’t mind getting rid of it, and it will help you simplify and declutter your work wardrobe so you have more space to work with.


The point of trying to simplify and declutter your work wardrobe is to clear out clothing that you don’t love, clothing that doesn’t fit you correctly, or clothing that you just don’t wear. If you get rid of clothing that falls into any of those categories, you’ll be left with clothing that you enjoy and clothing that makes you feel your best. This will help you look and feel your best when you go to work, and will help you get out of the house faster in the morning. Again, if you’re only picking from clothing that you love, you won’t ever go wrong when picking an outfit!

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