Three Tips to Help You Navigate a Career Change

At some point or another, many people decide that they want to change careers or shift their path, however it can be overwhelming and bewildering to navigate a career change. Many people find it difficult, but believe it or not, changing careers or shifting your career path isn’t as difficult as you may think. As long as you take it one step at a time and keep your expectations realistic, (nothing happens overnight) the transition can actually be quite simple. To make things a little less intimidating, I’m sharing three tips to help you navigate a career change.

Figure out where you want to end up and research how to get there

The first step to navigate a career change is to figure out where you want to end up. Setting a goal will help you hold yourself accountable and will give you something to work towards. Research suggests that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams simply by writing them down. Writing goals creates a physical reminder of what you’re working towards. Physically writing your goals down forces both sides of your brain to work together, which simulates a more powerful response and a greater ambition to meet those goals.

Once you’ve written down your goal, do a LinkedIn search for people that currently hold your dream job, and look at their previous job history to see how they got to their current position. It’s not smart to compare yourself to others, but looking at someone else’s career path can give you a better idea of where to go next and what roles to explore.

Take note of industry requirements

Once you’ve got a better idea of what roles to explore for your big career change, look at relevant job descriptions and take note of common requirements. According to a March 2019 study done by the National Federation of Independent Business, 54% of business owners reported few or no qualified applicants for the positions they were trying to fill. While it’s possible that this is the case, it’s also possible that candidates are not marketing themselves correctly or putting the correct information on their resume.  

Do some research on what businesses are actually looking for in a candidate and pay attention to trends of required skills or experience in your industry. Here are some important questions to think about:

  • When you browse potential job opportunities, are there any specific skills, software, or knowledge that is required?
  • Is there any up and coming software in your industry?
  • How about certifications? Is there any specialized training that could benefit you when it comes to your job search and your big career change?

The more research you can do on knowledge, trends, skills, and training, the better. You want to get a better understanding of what potential employers and recruiters are looking for in candidates within your new field so you can mold yourself into the perfect candidate and cater your resume to the jobs you’re interested in.

Create more relevant information to add to your resume

This step might sound the most intimidating of them all, but it’s actually the most fun! This is where you get to explore your new field and different opportunities that will make you happy. Think about taking on projects more directly related to the industry or career you’re trying to transition towards. This could mean something different for everyone, but here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Are there any projects at work that you can ask to take part in?

Even if it is a small role, getting exposure to a different sector of your company or role will give you more related experience to integrate into your resume.

  • Can you take on a side project relating to the career you want to transition towards?

This could mean starting a blog, being a contributor to another blog/media outlet, or maybe you just want to start your own side hustle! You can also volunteer your expertise for local schools, community centers, or charities to gain more experience.

  • What courses, tutorials, or classes can you take?

This doesn’t necessarily mean expensive college courses, but this could mean YouTube tutorials, or budget friendly platforms such as skillshare. Additionally, there are a lot of free courses and certifications you can get online which immensely help build your resume.

  • Are there any industry events you could attend?

There are all sorts of networking or informational events, so do a quick google search and see what’s happening in your area. You can add these industry events to your resume to highlight industry knowledge.


Making a big move or career change is scary, but it’s not impossible. People change careers all the time, and as long as you highlight your industry knowledge, achievements, and what you can bring to a new company/industry, you’ll be successful. Take the time to figure out your plan, do some research, and add relevant experience to your resume in order to successfully navigate a career change.

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