I didn’t always understand this concept due to fear of sticking out and looking like I didn’t belong, but throughout the years, transitioning from classes to work schedules, I have come to wholeheartedly believe this statement. This is not to say that you should be feeling comfortable in a full blown ball gown or tux at the office, however if you have the desire to wear a suit, (this goes for women and men) even though it isn’t required, go for it!

Whether or not you want to believe it, people who are more formally dressed and put together get perceived as powerful, and get treated with a greater level of respect. Have you ever noticed someone who looks perpetually put together? Notice how people always comment on it and how they never look out of place, just better dressed than others? It’s not hard to look polished, but it makes a world of a difference. Never be afraid to dress better than others or put more effort into your clothing; it will only benefit you in the long run. I’ve always learned to dress for the job you want, not the job you have, and live by that rule every day. By seeing you dressed as a business person, CEO, etc., people will start to envision you in that role, taking you one step closer to your dreams.

Simple acts like adding a third piece to your outfit, such as a blazer, or wearing a tie for men, are the details that bring an outfit together and make you stand out. Even wearing a great jacket and dress shoes with jeans elevates professionalism, portraying drive, ambition, and self-awareness. I suggest women playing with some key pieces of statement jewelry to add flare to your wardrobe. For men, try something new like a bow tie or adding a handkerchief to your breast pocket. Chances are that when you dress better, you will actually feel better about yourself too!

What are your thoughts on dressing up?

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