
Are you feeling bored with your resume? I always like to play around with new formats to keep in my repertoire, and as I was going through my portfolio, I noticed that most resumes have a horizontal organization to them. This means that sections are usually organized from top to bottom, going across the page. This is a classic way to organize resumes, and I use it quite a bit, however I wanted to mix things up a try something new.

To do this, I tried organizing a resume vertically, with 2 major columns. Organizing sections into vertical columns using text boxes breaks up the resume a bit and draws the eye to different, important sections such as skills. It also created clean, formatted, linear sections which are aesthetically pleasing. Note that this format looks best if kept to one page, and won’t work for you if you have a lot of experience, as space seems to be a bit more constrained.

My point to this post is to play around and see what you can do to break up the text. Don’t go crazy, as you want to keep the format clear and professional, but it’s always good to think outside of the box. Look for inspiration in other resumes you like, and see how you can put your own twist on it! This slightly different look can spice up your resume without looking tacky or unprofessional.

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