Yes, it’s almost the weekend!! But this poses the question of how to be both productive enough to get your errands done, and lazy enough to restore the energy drained from you during the work week. My favorite way to ensure I get everything done is to make a list. I can only speak for myself, but checking off and accomplishing everything on my “to do” list is a great feeling.

Start by writing out everything that you need to do, be it laundry, a target run, or to pick something up for the potluck you’re going to. All of those pesky things that you may forget about should be on here.

Next, organize it. I know you’re probably thinking that this sounds like a lot of work for a weekend schedule, but trust me, once you get into the swing of things, it’s really simple. Organize your to do list into what needs to be done this weekend, and what could wait if need be. This will prioritize your errands to ensure that the important stuff gets done, in case you don’t have time for everything.

Everyone is different, and I in particular love to sleep in on the weekends. Even if I’m just wallowing in bed reading, the last thing I want to do Saturday morning is to get up and out of the house early. Therefore, I usually start my errands mid-day, planning accordingly for time. Most of the time, unless I have prior engagements or am meeting up with friends, I would prefer to get everything done and out of the way in one day, so the other day of my weekend is free as a bird. Someone else may want to get up early and have the rest of the day free. To each their own, and this is why I stress, do what is best for you.

Enjoy your weekend, and the balance that your newly organized “to do” list brings you!

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