Follow this simple rule to get more traffic on your LinkedIn profile

Having a LinkedIn profile is crucial for networking and further developing your career, however if you don’t know how to optimize your profile you won’t get the kind of traffic you’re looking for. LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional network on the internet, and currently has over 467 million members in over 200 countries and territories. This gives you tons of opportunity to network and leverage your connections, but again, it’s important that you learn how to use the platform and all it offers to your advantage. Follow this simple rule to get more traffic on your LinkedIn profile. Stay active.

Make it easy for people to see you

LinkedIn works in a similar way to other social media platforms. When you share something, this is highlighted on the LinkedIn newsfeed. Additionally, when you edit your profile or like/comment on someone else’s post, you show up in the newsfeed as well. The more you show up as an active LinkedIn user, the more likely you are to be on someone’s radar as an active industry professional. When someone sees that you are active in your industry, they will likely think of you when it comes to networking or potential job opportunities.

Stay active

The key to LinkedIn is to stay relevant and on the radar. A great way to establish yourself in your field is to share content and post articles. If you come across something related to your field that you find interesting, share it, and if you have a few minutes, writing and sharing your own articles will also help you stand out. This shows others that you are aware of what’s happening in your industry, you are motivated, and that you’re doing the legwork to connect with others within your field.

If you don’t want to go on LinkedIn that often, you can also gather some interesting industry information, articles you’ve found, or even articles you’ve written and schedule them to post at various times of the week. Social media scheduling tools like Hootsuite are free, and can act as a simple way to ensure that you’re active on LinkedIn. You can schedule posts up to a month ahead of time, so it’s a great tool to use if you know you have a busy schedule or just don’t want to carve out daily or weekly LinkedIn time.

Join the right groups

Groups seem to be underrated on LinkedIn, however they’re a great way to help establish connections and to learn about new opportunities. Join your college or alumni group to connect with other people from your school. You never know who is looking to hire a fellow alumni for a position, or who knows of different opportunities on the market.

There are groups for just about everything, so browse around to see what interests you. This will give you the opportunity to connect with a wider range of individuals and get exclusive access to job postings.

Make sure you’re proud of your profile

If you are trying to get more traffic on your LinkedIn profile, it’s important that you’re proud of the profile you’re presenting. Make sure that the information is up to date, and that everything is free from errors. If you’re struggling with updating your profile, here are three simple ways to immediately improve your LinkedIn profile.


LinkedIn is an extremely powerful tool to use both when you’re happy with your current role and when you’re searching for a new job, however the platform is only as effective as you make it. Learning how to optimize and get more traffic on your LinkedIn profile will ensure that you get yourself in front of the right people, make the right connections, and it will help you establish yourself as a knowledgeable industry professional.

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