Five Ways to Refresh Your Work Routine for the New Year

There’s a lot of pressure to start fresh for the new year, but instead of starting completely clean, it’s much more attainable to make small adjustments to help you be more productive and more motivated at work. I’m a small business owner and entrepreneur, and while I absolutely love what I do, I’d be lying if I told you that everything was rainbows and roses. We all have days of self-doubt, or times when we’re in a funk at work, so I wanted to share five ways to refresh your work routine for the new year.

Look for positivity

When you want to refresh your work routine for the new year, the easiest place to start is with a positive vibe. Go over positive feedback you’ve gotten from others, (this can be from your boss, coworkers, clients, or even personal relationships) or think about something you’re looking forward to. Whatever makes you happy and confident in yourself and what you do, that’s what you want to search for when you’re looking for a new year refresh.

I really like to look back to positive client feedback or client success stories. The best part of what I do is helping others succeed in their career, so whenever I’m feeling down, I use positive feedback to motivate me. It’s easy to let a negative mood or situation get you down, but it’s important to focus on positive aspects of your life to motivate you to move forward.

Drink water

I always carry around my large 34oz water bottle. I carry it almost everywhere, and though I may look silly, staying hydrated makes me feel better both mentally and physically. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, so staying hydrated improves overall body function, reduces brain fog, and will improve your physical and mental capabilities. I’m sure you’ve heard all of this before, but try drinking more water at work and see if you feel the difference for yourself.

Get moving

Sitting around and dwelling on something that is stressing you out won’t help you. When you’re in a funk or if you want to refresh your work routine for the new year, get moving. Take the stairs, walk around the office when you go to the bathroom, or even just take a walk around the block.

If you have a pet, make the time to take your pet on a good walk! Pets and exercise help improve your mood, so this is an extremely simple way to refresh your daily routine!

I’m also a huge fan of exercise apps like Alo Moves, and was recently introduced to Nike Training Club which is totally free! Whenever I’m in a funk, I always feel better after exercising. Even 20 or 30  minutes of moving can totally shift your mindset into a more positive space.

Set goals

Research suggests that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down. Set goals for yourself to hold yourself accountable. Additionally, this will give you something to work towards and look forward to, which will help you move out of your less than ideal mood or state of mind.

When it comes to setting goals or new year’s resolutions, the key is to set attainable goals so you can realistically achieve them. Don’t expect to change career paths and find your dream job in a month. Instead, set the goal of browsing job boards once a week, taking an online course or tutorial, or volunteering to help with a side project at work. Creating small goals makes you more likely to change your lifestyle instead of sticking with crazy and unrealistic changes.


Communicate with your peers and managers to ensure that you’re all on the same page and nothing gets lost in translation. This will not only make your work more synchronized, but it will additionally promote respect and understanding. We’re all human and understand that unexpected events or situations arise, however if you don’t clearly communicate what you’re dealing with and feeling, people will not know and understand. Clear communication should be a top priority (both for you as a manager and for your employees). If no one makes their feelings clear, no one will be able to help.


Trying to refresh your work routine for the new year? Make small adjustments to improve your mood, your overall happiness, and your productivity!

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