Why a Firm Handshake Can Make or Break You When Networking

I was taught from a very young age the importance of a firm handshake, and have always lived by that rule no matter where I am or who I meet. More often than not, people comment on my firm handshake, and it makes me swell with pride.

I always thought that the importance of this gesture was common knowledge, and something everyone taught their children, but as I’ve gotten older, it has become apparent that it’s not something everyone is aware of. In my eyes, a firm handshake shows a lot about a person, their networking knowledge, and their charisma, however I have met a fair share of people who (I feel) should know better, give me a limp hand when we meet.

Let’s get real for a moment and acknowledge that no one likes dead fish, and holding out a limp hand when going in for a handshake might as well be the same thing. No matter how sweet or enthusiastic the person is, every single time I get a dead fish handshake, it leaves me with a bad taste and a bad impression. While I can’t vouch for everyone, I know for a fact that I am not the only person that feels strongly about this.

A strong handshake sets the tone for the rest of your meeting, whether that may be formal or a casual get together. A limp handshake may show weakness, lack of character, lack of self-confidence, and sometimes may even be considered to be ill mannered. On the contrary, a firm handshake shows a good backbone, self-confidence, a business like demeanor, and shows high networking skills.

While you may or may not have learned the importance of a firm handshake already, learning this tried and true skill now will make a world of a difference. Practice on your friends, on your family, and on your significant other, asking them how the handshake felt. Along with the handshake, make sure you practice looking people in the eye when you meet them and shake their hand. This may all sound difficult at first, but once you make it a habit, you’ll never be able to go back.

Whether you like it or not, looking someone in the eye and giving them a firm handshake when meeting will drastically improve your networking abilities and change your life for the better. Take it from a pro, a dead fish handshake is never the answer!


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