Feel Great in What You’re Wearing

Forget about being trendy or fashion forward. The most important thing is that you’re dressing appropriately and that you feel great in what you’re wearing. If you feel great in what you’re wearing, your confidence will shine through, and will make you look as good as you feel. The qualifiers for looking great if you feel great are that a) you’re dressing appropriately, and b) you’re dressing in clothing that fits your body. The reason I feel the need to stress these qualifiers is because even if you feel good in lingerie, it still doesn’t mean you should wear it out of the house. Similarly, if you feel great in an oversized sweatshirt, that still doesn’t make it appropriate for work or social events.

With these qualifiers in mind, stick with what you know and feel good in. Last weekend I went to the Create + Cultivate conference in downtown LA, and it was fabulous, however the weather was not quite as great as we had hoped for. It was a little chilly and dreary, so I began to rethink my original plan to wear a dress. As I was getting ready in the morning, I realized that I could make the sacrifice for fashion and brave the cold wearing my cute sun dress, but I decided that for a 13 hour day, comfort was the best route to take. I opted for my failsafe outfit of a nice blouse, dark skinny jeans, black blazer, and boots. No matter what, I am always comfortable and look put together in some version of that ensemble, and for this event, that is what mattered to me.

When I first showed up and saw a lot of women in stiletto heels, rompers, and adorable dresses, I was slightly self-conscious, but then I had an epiphany. My outfit was totally and utterly me, and completely epitomized my style. Who cares about the latest fashion trends or what other people are wearing? I felt good about what I was wearing. I wasn’t uncomfortable thinking about how much my dress was riding up as I sat in the audience listening to panel after panel, and most importantly, after my first few thoughts when entering the venue, I didn’t have to think about my clothing. I knew that it looked put together, professional, and I felt like myself in it. What more could you ask for?

The trick to feeling fabulous in your clothing is to have a few outfits that always work for you. I mentioned one of my go-to’s above, but another outfit that never fails for me is a black pencil skirt, nude pumps, and a button down blouse. Each item is a wardrobe staple that I know will fit me well, and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. I probably wouldn’t wear this to go out with friends, but I could definitely tailor it to go to work, to an industry event, or to go to an evening event.

When you’re getting ready for work, to go out with friends, or even to go to industry events, take a moment to think about what you’ll be most comfortable in, and what will make you feel your best. Make sure that you feel great in what you’re wearing, and forget about everyone else!

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