Write Styles

Month: April 2020

How To Land The Job You’re Overqualified For

How To Land The Job You’re Overqualified For

You have all of the qualifications and many more, but you can’t seem to land the job. Sound familiar? It’s harder to land a job that you’re overqualified for than you might think. Why it’s hard to land a job that you’re overqualified for Employers want to hire an employee who will be a right […] Read more…

Small Batch Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Small Batch Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

It seems like everyone is making banana bread during quarantine, and I had ripe bananas, so it seemed like a great opportunity to jump on the bandwagon. I already have several banana bread recipes posted on my site, (tahini banana bread, healthier banana bread, and gluten free banana bread) so I wanted to switch things […] Read more…