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Month: October 2015

Crispy Crunchy Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars

Crispy Crunch Peanut Butter Bars

These bars are adapted from Smitten Kitchen to make them a touch lighter and extra crispy crunchy! Perfect for a Halloween treat! It’s as if a rice crispy treat and reece’s peanut butter cup had a baby. SO yummy, AND you know everything that is in there. This is far from a healthy recipe, but […] Read more…

The Story Behind Keeping Extra Shoes in Your Car

Okay, so I thought you’d all appreciate this little nugget of truth about what really happens in my daily life. Today, I was running around the house this morning like a crazy woman as usual, making coffee, packing lunch, walking and feeding the dog, etc. I was actually pretty proud of myself because I finished […] Read more…

Top 5 Places to Buy Halloween Costumes on a Budget!

Top 5 Places to Buy Halloween Costumes on a Budget

I love dressing up for Halloween, but the one thing I don’t like is spending money for it.  According to CNN, Americans are expected to spend a whopping $6.9 billion on Halloween this year. To each their own, but that just seems ridiculous. Why would you spend so much when you can create your own […] Read more…