It can be hard to pack light for a trip, but doing so is key. Trust me, if I could bring 10 pairs of shoes and 5 jackets, I absolutely would, but that just isn’t the case. Over the past year, I’ve done a lot of traveling for business, flying to different locations for a few days at a time, so I feel like I’ve finally mastered the secret to packing light! I’ve scraped together all of my no-fail tips below so you can easily pack your bag and focus on your trip at hand!

  1. Don’t check a bag: Unless completely necessary, I NEVER check a bag. I want all of my items with me and in my sight at all times, so traveling with only carry-on bags is crucial. And to top it off, you don’t have to wait for baggage claim, which means less time at the airport!
  2. Never use a roller suitcase, only a duffle bag: This seems pretty counter intuitive, because most people do carry a roller bag on the plane, but trust me, switching over to using a duffle bag will change your life. Not only can duffle bags typically hold more stuff, but you will always be allowed to take them on the plane. In my year of travels, I discovered something hugely important. If the plane is full, the first couple groups of people gets to board have no problem, and then the flight attendant comes over the loud speaker saying, “Anyone with roller bags must gate check them!” The people with duffle bags don’t have to do anything, and continue to file into the plane, bags in hand, while those with roller suitcases are forces to say goodbye to their belongings as they get carted away to be stowed under the plane. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that to happen to me, so I stick with my trusty duffle bag!
  1. Research the weather. There’s nothing worse than packing clothes for the wrong weather. Obviously you can’t predict everything, but checking the 5 or 10 day forecast will definitely help you pack the right attire. Layers are always a safe bet if you’re unsure.
  2. Pick a color scheme and stick with it: Part of packing light is having all of your items able to mix and match with one another. My closet mostly consists of black and white, so it isn’t hard for me, but if you’re someone who tends to wear a lot of color, make sure you pick a couple that work together and pack everything that will go with them. For instance, don’t pack the red pair of shoes that you can only wear with one outfit you’re packing; instead stick with something neutral that can be worn on multiple occasions.
  3. Need extra space? Grab a big tote bag! Each person is allowed to carry on 2 items, and for most women, one of these items end up being your purse. If you need extra space, the best thing to do is grab a big tote bag. Put your purse inside the tote, along with any extra items that don’t fit in your duffle. Voila, 2 bags, no checked items, and plenty of space!

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