Take the Work out of Getting Dressed for Work by Organizing Your Closet

Even if you love clothing and fashion, getting ready in the morning can be tough. When you’re scrambling to get out of the house on time, getting ready for work and picking out an outfit can seem like a chore itself. Believe it or not, you can take the work out of getting dressed for work by organizing your closet, and I’m showing you the best way to do it.

Determine the components of your go-to outfit

Using myself as an example, the components of my go-to work outfit consist of a blazer or jacket, blouse, and skinny pants [or] pencil skirt, or a blazer/jacket paired with a dress depending on the weather.

For men, the components might be a belt, button down shirt, slacks, and maybe a jacket, or simply a suit. Take note of your go to outfits and determine what garments they are composed of.

The easiest way to start taking the work out of getting ready for work is to organize your closet into sections based on the components of your go-to work outfit.

Group all of your blazers and jackets in one area, group all of your blouses together in another, and do the same for pants, skirts, dresses, and accessories. If you organize your closet into sections, you can easily pick a piece from each section to create an outfit in the morning without hassle.

Color coordinate each section

This might sound insane if you’re not someone who is super organized, but color coordinating your clothing within each section will make things even easier on you in the morning.

Think about it this way: the more organized your clothing is, the easier it will be for you to mix and match pieces to create a cohesive outfit. Additionally, when things are color coordinated and organized, you will start to learn and remember where each piece lives, making it easy for you to find and grab exactly what you want in a hurry.

Understand that colors do not have to match; they just need to go together

People often assume that colors must match to create a great outfit, but that is simply not the case. In fact, when you try to match colors exactly, it often looks worse because different garments and fabrics are all slightly different shades.

Instead of trying to match your clothing colors, opt for colors that go together. All neutrals go with other neutrals, so an easy way to pair clothing in different colors is to start with a neutral palate and add a pop of color. For example, you could start with neutral bottoms and jacket, and add some color in the form of a blouse or shirt. When it comes to pairing colors, classic combinations will always work such as black and white, black and tan, red and navy, blue and light brown.

Check out some classic color combinations for inspiration!


When you want to take the work out of getting ready for work, the key is understanding the formula for your go-to office outfit, and organizing your closet into sections. When your closet is organized correctly, you can simply grab one item of clothing from each section to seamlessly put together a look in minutes. It becomes a simple grab and go process! Organizing your closet will take some time initially, but it will make things much easier and less time consuming in the morning once it’s completed.

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