I’m not much of a morning person in the sense that I would almost always prefer to sleep in, however once I’m up and going, I’m definitely awake. I get ready, walk the dog, make coffee, make lunch, and head off to work. I try to actually save emails and not check them until I get to the office so my mind isn’t cluttered as I’m trying to get out the door, and I can actually focus on each one as I read it.

As I sit down at my desk and sip on my hot coffee, I try to scan my inbox to see which messages need to be read first. If I have a client with a tight deadline or know I need to respond to an email first thing, that always takes priority. After I’ve gone through my emails, I do probably the most important activity of my morning: I make a to-do list. My boyfriend actually laughs at the fact that I sit and write everything out when I can easily type it into my phone, but there is something I find both comforting and effective about writing it out with a pen and paper.

Creating a list helps in in two ways: It gives me a solid outline of what I need to do that day so I can refer back to it and don’t forget anything, and it also holds me accountable for my plans. If I have everything written down, and I push something to the next day, I’m aware of it. It doesn’t just go by the wayside and go unnoticed. I’m aware that I meant to do something, and it did not get done, so it must get done early the next day.

Holding yourself accountable for your goals is a great way to increase productivity and make sure that you are reaching your fullest potential. Making a list like I do also lets you physically see your accomplishments and your pending tasks. Not to mention the fact that crossing items off your to-do list is one of the most satisfying feelings ever.

It sounds kind intuitive, but try it out one day and notice how productive you are!

What do you do in your morning routine?

2 Comments on How I Make the Most Out Of My Morning

  1. I have an addiction for lists (I wrote a post on the subject -but in French only) : I have a list for pleasant and unpleasant things, for the work week and for the week end … I feel so happy when I cross a finished task … This is not my every day routine but I need to do list when I feel overwhelmed sometimes … Have a nice day …

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