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3 Old School Customer Service Tactics That Will Help You Now

3 Old School Customer Service Tactics That Will Help You Now

If you’re in business, customer service is going to be one of the most important aspects of your success. I’m discussing 3 old school customer service tactics that will help you now, regardless of your position or industry. As someone who started their career at Nordstrom, (which is known for epic customer service) this aspect […] Read more…

The First Step to Writing a Great Resume

The First Step to Writing a Great Resume

As a certified professional resume writer, I often have people come to me in the hopes of getting their resume redone before figuring out their next career move. While it is possible to create a “general resume” the first step to writing a great resume is determining where you want to go next in your […] Read more…

If You Want to be Respected, It’s Important to Realize that You’re Not Above Anyone

If You Want to be Respected, It’s Important to Realize that You’re Not Above Anyone

Throughout history, there have been leaders who were respected, and leaders who were ridiculed. If you want to be respected, it’s important to realize that you’re not above anyone regardless of your position, industry, or socioeconomic standard. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but regardless of your authority, you do not have the right […] Read more…