Are You Making This Big Mistake On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is arguably one of the most valuable networking tools out there, but there are big mistakes that people often make. The biggest mistake that people often make is connecting with people they don’t know without adding an accompanying message.

Why this is an issue

LinkedIn is a great tool to use when networking because you can ask friends for an introduction to someone they are connected with. If you continually connect with those you don’t actually know and build a “network” of individuals you’ve never spoken to, that tool becomes far less valuable.

A better option to expand your network

You can still add people that you don’t know if you want to connect with them and meet them, but if this is the case, be sure to add a message to the connection request that explains why you want to connect. For a step by step guide on adding a message to a connection request, click here.

An example of a great connection message is something along the lines of:

“Hi x, I noticed that you work at [company], and if you’re interested, I’d love to learn more about what you do and how you like it there!”


“Hi x, I came across your profile as I was looking at [job title] roles because I’m looking to make a shift in my career. If you’re interested in touching base, I’d love to learn more about your career path and how you feel about your current role. Thanks!”

If you do add a message and start a conversation with someone, you are establishing a real life connection and adding value to your network. Relationships are far more important than the number of connections you have on any given platform.

Why this is important

Building relationships is the foundation of networking. By reaching out and starting a conversation with someone, you’re showing initiative and expanding your network in a mutually beneficial way. If you simply add someone with no message, chances are they will look at the connection request, wonder who you are, and wonder why you’re connecting with them.


If you’ve been adding people on LinkedIn who you don’t know, you can’t go back in time, but you can proceed forward in a more mindful way. Maybe it’s time to go through and rid yourself of connections you’ve never spoken too. If that’s not something you’re comfortable with, simply be mindful of who you connect with and how you approach connection requests going forward!

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