7 Mistakes You May Be Making on Job Applications

Finding a job can be hard, and it can get tedious applying for job after job, but maybe there is a reason you aren’t getting noticed. I’ve gathered up the 7 mistakes you may be making on job applications so that you can apply to jobs with your best foot forward to land an in-person interview. Hopefully after reading these tips, you’ll apply to the right job and land it! Happy hunting!!

7 Mistakes You May Be Making on Job Applications

Following Instructions: Do you ever glance at a job application and go on auto pilot? It is very easy to assume that every hiring manager is asking for the same thing, because the requirements are usually similar, but make ABSOLUTE SURE that you are sending over exactly what they ask for. If the application requires a cover letter, make sure you include a formatted cover letter in word document or PDF form, and not a 1 sentence email. Failing to follow instructions will get you cut immediately, and it is so simple to prevent.

Going “Click Crazy” and Applying for Any Job You See Available: When on the hunt for a new job, it is extremely tempting to click “apply” to every position you see available, without actually considering if you have the right qualifications and if you’d be happy there. Taking the time to apply to positions you are excited about and customizing your resume to each application will be far more beneficial than going on an application spree, mindlessly applying to everything and anything. Remember, quality over quantity will take you very far with job applications!

Proofreading: Proofreading errors can be the death of you when applying for jobs, so make sure everything you send is perfect, and is a good representation of your work ethic. My favorite trick to proof reading is to print out documents on paper, so you can physically hold and see any errors, and to read text from the bottom up. Reading information in a different order than you normally see it gives you a different perspective and stops you from simply glazing over the words without truly reading them.

Highlighting the Wrong Aspects: The most important things to highlight in job applications are your invaluable skills, and solid accomplishments. This means any skills that set you apart, (i.e. knowledge in a specific software) and hard numerical facts, (i.e. decreased employee overtime by x percent). These are informational aspects which make you stand out, and are NOT implied within job descriptions.

Using Outdated Terminology/Techniques: Some outdated terminology/techniques include writing “Objective:” in front of an opening statement for a resume, as well as writing “References Available Upon Request”. The reason being, a) those statements are both implied, and b) they take up extra space. Obviously you will provide references if a perspective company asks for them, so why make your resume more cluttered?

Including Useless Information on Your Resume: I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, your resume is to get you an interview, not the job; you do not need every piece of information down to what you ate for breakfast on your resume. This document serves to give employers a snapshot of you, not a whole biopic. Some examples of irrelevant information include: your GPA, (No one will ask unless you are applying for educational programs) classes you took in college 4+ years ago, (come one, do you really think you still remember all of that?) the high school you went to, (unless it is your highest level of education) and lastly any side jobs which have no connection to the job you are currently applying to.

Only Looking for Jobs Already Posted: One of the biggest mistakes I see people make (I’ve been a victim of this as well) is not posting your resume. People always seem to look at job boards for job postings, but fail to post their own information. A lot of recruiters search websites like indeed.com and LinkedIn for candidates, but surprise, surprise, if your resume isn’t posted, they won’t be able to find you. Posting your resume will not only increase your chances of finding a job, but it will increase your ability to network with recruiters and potential employers.

3 Comments on 7 Mistakes You May Be Making on Job Applications

  1. Great pointers here. I am guilty of the last one too – I get apply happy and never just submit my resume to be considered. Thanks for sharing these here.
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