We all have basic pieces that are wardrobe musts, but sometimes it is great to take those pieces and step them up to another level. For me, a black pencil skirt frequents my daily attire, and is something I could never live without. Seeing that I often wear the same black skirt, I wanted to see if there was a way I could make it a bit more interesting. Low and behold, I found a great basket weave option from Banana Republic.

It can still be worn as a wardrobe stable, because in all reality, it is another black skirt, but the basket weave texture gives outfits another level of texture and dimension. (Not to mention it lets me give my overly worn black pencil skirt a break!) Looking for pieces that are interchangeable with those you already own and love, but have a different stylish element to them is a great way of stepping up your basics and easily elevating your style.

Sticking with what you love but updating it for a slightly more modern feature lets you stay in your comfort zone, just slightly pushing the boundaries. It’s also a great way to rotate pieces you frequently wear so you can take better care of your beloved items. Interchanging pieces and letting worn items breath can lengthen their life and actually reduce the amount of money you have to spend by replacing them.

Some might say that you shouldn’t buy an item similar to one you already have, but I think that buying something in a different texture that you’ll get a lot of use out of can greatly benefit you, letting you rotate out separates while stepping up your basics!

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