There are so many huge benefits to reading, regardless of the content, but for once, I’m strongly suggesting tht you read this self-help book. I’m not usually one to read self-help books, but this book is absolutely fantastic! If I ever do pick up a book on how to deal with a quarter life crisis or be a better person, I typically freak out and get overly stressed about what I’m not doing  or how I’m failing within the first few chapters, but this book is the exact opposite!

It’s witty, and funny, and at no point while reading it did I feel like it was cursing me for what I haven’t been doing all this time. There are fantastic tips, anecdotes, and great viewpoints littered throughout every page, and it is a great read for those times when you feel like you’re struggling, and could use both a pick-me-up AND some guidance.

I’ve passed along this book to friends, and we’ve all come to agree that one of the best things about this book is that is makes you want to be you, and accept your flaws, but get better about being more grown up. It doesn’t scold or lecture, it simply shows us that we are all feeling like we have no idea where our life is going or what will happen next. We’re all in it together, in the same wobbly boat trying to slowly progress to become functioning adults.

If you’re looking for a good read; one that is not only entertaining, but useful as well, look no further. I promise you that you will enjoy this, and relate to at least one story or tip on adulting. Click here for the link to the book!

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