How to Send a Professional Email      

It sounds simple, but how to send a professional email can be a tricky concept to master. I’ve outlined a few simple rules which make it hard to send a bad email. Test them out on your path to success, and let me know if there’s any other guidelines you follow!

Keep it formal: Even if you do know this person well, your work emails can legally be checked, so sending anything that you wouldn’t want your boss and/or coworkers to see is a no-no. I always suggest starting with “Dear __,” “Hi ___,” or “Mr./Ms.___,” and keeping the language as simple yet formal as possible. Remember, even if the other person is being professionally inappropriate, keep your professionalism up, so that if the email does ever surfacee, your reputation is untarnished.

For instance: “Hi Jessica, I wanted to follow up on the company budget because I have yet to receive it. Please let me know when you estimate its completion, and have a great day!” sounds WAY BETTER than: “Jessica, I need the budget from you. When will it be ready? Thanks.”

Short and sweet is almost always better: No one likes receiving a dense, 2 page email. If you have that much to say, you might as well pick up the phone or swing by the person’s desk. Keep it to a couple paragraphs max. Just think about how you would feel if you received the email you’re about to send out.

If you MUST send a long email, bold the information that is extremely important: If you’re sending a long email out that is important, it is important to realize that people will will probably just skim it, so you might as well put the most important information that has to be read in bold typeface. Bolding some of the important text ensures that if employees are going to skim a document, at least they will pick up the information you want them to.

Create a signature to add to your email settings with your contact information: Have you ever wanted to pick up the phone to ask a quick question or confirm a piece of information, only to realize that you don’t have a direct phone number? Save your peers the trouble, and ensure that they have a way to contact you if need be. You’ll also save yourself the hassle of having to constantly type it in!

In a society where most communication is done online, both for professional and personal use, it is crucial to know how to send a professional email. I hope these tips help you feel more confident about your ability, and guide you in the right path professionally!


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