How to Build Friendships as an Adult

As children, we make our friends through school, our parents, and extracurricular activities, but what people don’t often talk about is how to build friendships as an adult. Making friends when you’re an adult is hard because a) adults don’t have the fearlessness that children do, and b) as an adult, you’re not automatically put around people who are in a similar stage of life.

The key to building friendships as an adult is to put yourself out there and force yourself into new situations with like-minded people.

In school, especially in college, you’re surrounded by people who have at least some similarity to you. You are around people who chose the same school, are in the same environment, and perhaps are studying a similar topic as you, but what happens once you leave the bubble of school?

While you might find friends at work, that isn’t always the case, so it’s important to put yourself in situations where you can meet others and build new friendships (or at the very least, make new connections).

Find a Hobby You Enjoy

This is one of the easiest ways to build friendships as an adult. Find a hobby you enjoy and do it in a group setting. Think about exercise classes, art, etc. Do you love going to spin or yoga? Join a studio where you can enjoy yourself and meet other people with the same interest. Joining a group or club where people have the same interest as you gives you the opportunity to meet others, and gives you an easy conversation starter!

“Have you ever been here before? I love [topic] but haven’t come to this [event] before!”

Attend Networking Events

This is extremely underrated, but attending networking events in your field of work is a great way to build friendships as an adult. While you may not be connecting with the people at your office, you may be able to find others in your field of work who you mesh with. If you enjoy what you do, finding others who enjoy it as well will hugely benefit you. By going to networking events, you build your personal and professional relationships; it’s a win-win situation!

No idea how to find networking events in your area? Check out the links below to figure out what’s right for you!

Take a Class

We meet some of our first and truest friends in school, so it’s no different as an adult! Have you always been interested in a topic but never had the time/ability to take a class in it? Go for it! You can check out classes at a college near you, look up adult education classes, or just see if there are any 3rd party classes offered in your area. This is a great opportunity to learn something new, do something you’ve always wanted to, and meet people with a similar desire.


Volunteering is another double whammy that lets you meet people and give back to your community. Volunteering for an organization or cause you care about will help you gain a voice and advocate for what you believe in. Volunteering helps you meet people from all walks of life, exposes you to people and activities that are new to you, and gives you the opportunity to do something good.


It can be hard to build friendships as an adult, but you’re not alone. Put yourself out there and position yourself so that you are surrounded by people which you can easily connect and start a conversation with. If you’re enjoying yourself and excited about something, others will pick up on that and gravitate towards your energy!

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