Job Hopping vs Long Term Employment

I was sitting with my best friend the other day discussing the subject of job hopping vs long term employment, and what I’ve come to realize is that it is a common question and struggle for our generation. The reality is that there is no right answer that works for everyone, and this is something we each need to decide for ourselves.

I can personally say that I took the opposite path of both of these choices and became self employed, and it’s something that I absolutely love, however I know that this would not be something that a lot of people choose. When I look around at my friends, I see various stages of work and choices they’ve made, and it’s pretty cool to see where we all started and to see how far we’ve come in such a short time.

The main differences that I see between long term employment with one company and jumping around to different jobs are your seniority and ability to change roles. It also depends what kind of company you’re with and the room for growth it provides. I don’t think it is the wisest idea to stay with a company in the exact same role for 10 or 15 years, but that is because I believe it is important to challenge yourself. In the end, who am I to judge? Maybe that role will challenge you in different ways over the years. That being said, I have a couple friends who work at fabulous companies that they love and plan to stay with for as long as possible. Part of the reason for that is because they want to grow with the company and see the ability to shift and change roles over time as they grow as people.

I also know people that seem to change jobs, companies, and roles every year or two, and while that doesn’t necessarily appeal to me, it works for them. The benefit of job hopping vs long term employment is that you can (ideally) get a salary increase with every role, get a new and exciting change of environment, and you also get to learn how to work with or under different styles of management. The downside is that you’re constantly changing environments and have to bond with and integrate into different groups of people and work cultures.

What I observe most about our generation and how we think about job hopping vs long term employment is that a lot of people struggle with the worry that they are making the wrong choice about it. Much like other facets of our society, we are constantly comparing ourselves to one another, and career choices are no different. There are pros and cons to both job hopping and long term employment with the same company, but neither one is better or worse. It comes down to which option suits you best and will make you happiest. It’s not about what someone else chooses and if you should be doing something because you see others doing it that way.

Take some time, do a little research, and figure out your stance on job hopping vs long term employment. Do you have a strong feeling towards one or the other? I’d love to hear what you think!

2 Comments on Job Hopping vs Long Term Employment: A Common Struggle

  1. I think seeking balance is the best. Staying on a job too long can really restrict one’s chances of upwards mobility especially in terms of commanding higher compensation. Moving elsewhere is usually the best way to ensure a significant increase in income. But ofcourse there are other considerations such as job satisfaction, P-O fit,etc. Personally, I’d rather leave too soon than stay too long.

    • Great point! I agree that it’s about balance and career growth. Some companies have great opportunities to grow and shift in both roles and compensation while others hold employees back. Thanks for the comment and feedback!

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