Write Styles

Month: October 2020

Two Ingredient Pumpkin Pasta

Two Ingredient Pumpkin Pasta

This two ingredient pumpkin pasta doesn’t get much easier than this! You can make homemade pasta with just flour and pumpkin puree. Making pasta at home can seem daunting, but with this two ingredient pumpkin pasta, it’s easier than ever. Technically if you count the salt, the pasta dough has three ingredients, but I like […] Read more…

Three Style Tips To Help You Build Confidence

Three Style Tips To Help You Build Confidence 2.2020

Part of being successful is being confident in yourself because confidence provides you with the courage to persevere to achieve your goals. People often think of clothing as trivial, however clothing can make a large impact on your confidence and productivity! Science even suggests that dressing up improves productivity and performance! Here are three style […] Read more…

Five Strategies to Help You Find a Job During COVID

Five Strategies to Help You Find a Job During COVID

Figuring out your next career move can be difficult regardless of the scenario, but add a global pandemic and high levels of unemployment to that and it can be downright petrifying. Starting out on a new job search can seem daunting, but it becomes much more attainable if you break it up into small tasks […] Read more…