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Month: June 2017

Salted Brown Butter Macadamia Nut Cookies

Salted Brown Butter Macadamia Nut Cookies

Salted brown butter macadamia nut cookies. Do I even need to say more? These are sweet, salty, nutty, decadent, and packed with the flavors of summer. Simply close your eyes and transport yourself to the islands of Hawaii with the salt in your hair and the sand in your toes. Salted Brown Butter Macadamia Nut […] Read more…

How To Keep Your Cool in the Heat

While it’s a cool 64 degrees in my hometown of San Francisco, it’s been in the triple digits here in Southern California. Needless to say, I think we need to discuss how to keep your cool in the heat. I’ve rounded up a few rules to ensure that you stay as cool and collected as […] Read more…

The Two Best Things You Can Do For Your Career

The Two Best Things You Can Do For Your Career

The two best things you can do for your career are to communicate and manage your time wisely. These sound simple enough, but many people fail at them. If you make both of these tasks a priority, you’ll establish yourself as a reputable professional, and people will want to work with you. Communicate It’s estimated […] Read more…