Write Styles

Month: February 2017

When Being Overconfident is Detrimental to Your Job Application

When Being Overconfident is Detrimental to Your Job Application

“It couldn’t hurt to apply right?” Often people are ambitious when applying for jobs, and apply for higher positions than they’re qualified for, which can pay off, but where is the line between ambitious and careless? While ambition is great, it’s extremely important to figure out when being overconfident is detrimental to your job application. […] Read more…

How to Rock a Choker as an Adult

Does anyone else have major nostalgia seeing the rising popularity of the choker? A huge trend in the 90’s, I have a very distinct memory of wearing black overalls, a striped long sleeve shirt, and a choker to school and feeling like I was the coolest kid around. While that would still be considered fashionable […] Read more…

The Simple Snack that Curbs All of My Cravings

The Simple Snack that Curbs All of My Cravings

If you’ve read a few of my recipes, you know that I have a sweet tooth, but I also try to live a healthy lifestyle. The simple snack that curbs all of my cravings is sweet, healthy, indulgent, but totally guilt free! And best of all? It keeps me full for hours! I use this […] Read more…