Write Styles

Month: January 2015

Amazing Home Made Pizza Dough

I love a good pizza. Not some fast-food style, but a traditional Italian, well-made pizza. Just like everyone else, I have my go-to delivery place on hand, but more often than not I am willing to take a touch more time and spend 1/3 of the money to make my own from scratch. And let […] Read more…

MEN: Are You Dressing Appropriately for Work?

Every job has a different dress code, and typically this will be discussed when an offer is extended, in a company handbook, or simply in conversation with your superior, but how do you know if you’re actually meeting the standards? Here are a few tips to make sure that you’re on par (or above) your […] Read more…

LADIES: Are You Dressing Work Appropriate?

Men have it pretty simple in the sense that they will always be wearing some form of a pant and (preferably button down) shirt, but for women, there is a world of options viable to wear at the workplace. Every job has a different dress code, and typically this will be discussed when an offer […] Read more…