The One Phrase You Should Remove from Your Vocabulary

I’ve talked about how to clearly communicate with confidence, but this is the one phrase you should remove from your vocabulary: “I assume…”

Why this phrase is a problem

Remember the saying “When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me”? This is a common cliché for a reason. Using the phrase “I assume…” in conversation creates a variety of issues and gives off a negative connotation. Not only does this statement come off as pompous, but it comes off as rude to the person you are conversing with.

What you should say instead:

Instead of using this disrespectful phrase, try asking a question about it.

For example, instead of writing “I assume it comes with x…” think of changing your verbiage to “Does it come with x?” How you communicate with others makes a big impact on your reputation and how effective you are at getting things accomplished. If you are kind and understanding, others will be more willing to work with you and answer your questions. If you are rude and pompous, others will be less willing to go out of their way to make your life easier.

Communicate with respect

If you want to cultivate relationships and establish trust, communicate clearly and in a respectful manner. If someone feels as though you do not respect them and/or their opinion, they more than likely won’t want to work with you. Be the one to take the high road and communicate with others in a way that is clear, concise, and respectful. Follow up to a conversation, ask a question, send a quick reminder for a meeting, or send an email with highlights from your previous phone call. If someone can see your effort to communicate, this will help establish you as a respectable individual and a more effective employee/manager.


Communication is one of the driving factors in our society, and if you are not communicating in a way that others understand and respect, you will have a hard time securing their trust. “I assume…” is the one phrase you should remove from your vocabulary if you want to be seen as some who earns respect and success. If you are kind others will me more likely to work with you and create a more productive and effective partnership!

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